
Noted recall: The goal is to describe, in just a few words, what the article is about. Additionally, if I think the article is particularly note-worthy (good or bad), I will comment on that. Compare this to a small sticky note, something to jog your memory about the contents of an article. Of course, if I miss the point of an article, or fail to find anything remarkable, that is entirely the fault of the reviewer.

Monthly Review Vol. 71 No. 9

Available at: https://monthlyreview.org/2020/02/01/mr-071-09-2020-02_0/

Marx and the Indigenous - John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark, and Hannah Holleman
(read 2020-02-16)
This was a lengthy essay about Marx's views on indigenous people. Apparently Engels was not as progressive. A follow up point I got out of this essay was I need to find the 1838 book Colonization and Christianity by William Howitt.

Messianic Zionism-- The Ass and the Red Heifer - Moshé Machover
(read 2020-02-17)
A look at Israel Zionist policy, some of its history. Comparison to settler colonialism. Apt, as there was an explicit call for colonization of Palestine, though now the word is no longer used.

Sex and Socialism - Ann Snitow, Christine Stansell, and Sharon Thompson
(read 2020-02-18)
A brief history of sexual reform movements, from the early 1800s. Some criticisms of the left, as these were generally not supportive of sexual movements, and usually endorsed monogamous relationships and traditional family. Someone mentioned a few times, from the 1800s, was Emma Goldman.