
Noted recall: The goal is to describe, in just a few words, what the article is about. Additionally, if I think the article is particularly note-worthy (good or bad), I will comment on that. Compare this to a small sticky note, something to jog your memory about the contents of an article. Of course, if I miss the point of an article, or fail to find anything remarkable, that is entirely the fault of the reviewer.

Dissent Fall 2018

Available at: https://www.dissentmagazine.org/issue/fall-2018

How Real Estate Segregated America - Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor
(read 2019/01/31)
Short article. Discusses history of Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, and the Fair Housing Act. Focus on the government prescribed anti-racism and anti-segregation stances of these two Acts, but how these ideals were largely ignored by the private sector.

The Faces of Eviction - with Matthew Desmond
(read 2019/02/02)
Very short interview with Desmond. Discusses his sociology work on eviction, with specific focus on Milwaukee area.

Taking Back the Suburbs - Rachel M. Cohen
(read 2019/02/02)
Short discussion of recent housing developments. That suburbs have become more diverse in the past decades. Some progress being made by HUD, until Trump administration. Set to enact Small Area Fair-Market Rent rule in 2018, but that got delayed. Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) started in 2015, but HUD is currently attempting to dismantle it.

Beyond the Market - Gianpaolo Baiocchi, Marnie Brady, and H. Jacob Carlson
(read 2019/02/02)
Very short article covering alternatives to home ownership. Limited equity cooperatives; community land trusts; tenement syndicates and mutual-aid cooperatives.

Adulting While Poor - Victor Tan Chen
(read 2019/02/02)
Short article on the plight of the millenial. Effects of college education and race. Discusses the financial crisis of 2008, but says one of the key factors is rising inequality.

Make China Marxist Again - Timothy Cheek and David Ownby
(read 2019/01/05)
Short article on Xi Jinping and Marxism in current China. A minor theme, that Marxism must evolve to continue to be relevant (as interpreted by the State).

The Condition of the Working Class in Shenzhen - Julie Greene
(read 2019/02/05)
A look at labor conditions and "social harmony" in China. Particular focus on Foxconn. Other kinds of disregard for labor laws to benefit employers.

The Nation the Left Neglected - Jeffrey C. H. Ngo
(read 2019/02/05)
Short article discussing Taiwan, the "One China" policy, and founding history. Says this is one of the most progressive countries in Asia; that there should be more support from people on the left.

Socialism and the Liberal Imagination - Mason B. Williams
(read 2019/02/05)
Very short article on Roosevelt and the New Deal. How it was not really socialist, but important in the history of socialist ideas.

The Factory That Ate Wisconsin - Jon Shelton
(read 2019/02/05)
Quick overview of the Scott Walker deal with Foxconn and how bad it is.