
Noted recall: The goal is to describe, in just a few words, what the article is about. Additionally, if I think the article is particularly note-worthy (good or bad), I will comment on that. Compare this to a small sticky note, something to jog your memory about the contents of an article. Of course, if I miss the point of an article, or fail to find anything remarkable, that is entirely the fault of the reviewer.

Monthly Review Vol. 70 No. 6.

Available at: https://monthlyreview.org/2018/11/01/mr-070-06-2018-10_0/

Value Isn't Everything - John Bellamy Foster and Paul Burkett
(read 2018-11-15)
A look at value under capitalism. Extensions to things other than human labor. Evaluating what value comes from nature and animal labor, and how that fits in. Discusses thermodynamic/physics theory of economy and limitations. Value in society and value in culture. (Despite the short note, this is a technically deep article well worth reading)

Renminbi: A Century of Change - Sit Tsui, Qiu Jiansheng, Yan Xiaohui, Erebus Wong, and Wen Tiejun
(read 2018-11-16)
A look at fiscal policy in China and history for the past 90 years. Financial crisis in the west in the 1930's, and (China's) attempt to move to silver standard, reasons this failed. Defeat of Kuomintang (KMT) government by People's Liberation Army; establishment of People's Republic of China (PRC), and ensuing hyperinflation. Korean war, and discussion on China-Russia relation, soviet assistance to economy. Around the same time, formation of rural collectives; how this affected central planning of the economy and fiscal policy. Evolution of industrialization, and establishment of global currency in 1992. Growing globalization of financial market; increasing influence in Asian economy (Belt Road Initiative); and status of renminbi as global currency.

Cuba's First Military Doctors - Don Fitz
(read 2018-11-17)
History of Cuban doctors working in Africa in the 1960's; under Che Guevara, primarily focused on Zaire, the Congo, and Guinea-Bissau. (Perhaps an interesting historical read, but not much directly relevant to today, other than these stories are only recently becoming known)