I go through several periodicals a month. I'm attempting to start a series of posts consisting of thematic extracts of articles I read. The goal is to describe, in just a few words, what the article is about. Additionally, if I think the article is particularly note-worthy (good or bad), I will comment on that. Compare this to a small sticky note, something to jog your memory about the contents of an article. Of course, if I miss the point of an article, or fail to find anything remarkable, that is entirely the fault of the reviewer.
Available at: http://bostonreview.net/forum/merve-emre-all-reproduction-assisted
On Reproduction - Merve Emre
(read 2018-08-30)
Read this. Discusses pregnancy from non-traditional perspectives. Obstacles, hostility faced. All reproduction is assisted. (References The Dialectic of Sex several times, I should get around to reading that sometime).
Mothering - Sophie Lewis
(read 2018-08-30)
Additional commentary.
The Violence of the Natural - Annie Menzel
(read 2018-08-30)
Commentary on racial issues; that women of color offer needed perspective.
Neoliberal Perfectionism - Chris Kaposy
(read 2018-08-30)
Criticism of capitalism; in defense of those with a disability. Defending choosing to have a child with Down Syndrome?
Be Wary of the Techno-fix - Marcy Darnovsky
(read 2018-08-30)
Critical of Emre's blame on "the natural" to feminists; that technology solutions are still very limited, prone to failure, costly (money, time, physical, mental).
Suspending (Feminist) Judgment - Irina Aristarkhova
(read 2018-08-31)
People are not rational agents. And three or four other points that were started but never finished.
Feminist Paradoxes - Diane Tober
(read 2018-08-31)
1) Isn't it "natural" for a lesbian couple to use a sperm donor? So the assisted/natural dichotomy is not so straight forward. 2) How should we define rights to 3rd party providers (should egg/sperm donor have right to meet child, etc).
Selling Hope - Miriam Zoll
(read 2018-08-31)
Criticism of reproductive clinics as a commercial business, discusses percentages of success (e.g. for egg thawing to live birth).
Extreme Pregnancy - Andrea Long Chu
(read 2018-08-31)
This article is cynicism as art.
A Right to Reproduce - Merve Emre
(read 2018-09-03)
The editor responds to a few articles.
Every Woman is a Working Woman - Silvia Federici interviewed by Jill Richards
(read 2018-09-04)
Read this. Discusses Wages Against Housework, related activism.
Going to Work in Mommy's Basement - Sarah Sharma
(read 2018-09-04)
Techbros; misogyny in tech culture.
Aging into Feminism - James Chappell
(read 2018-09-04)
Aging, gig economy, the future.
A History of Cyborg Sex, 2018-73 - Cathy O'Neil
(read 2018-09-04)
Hypothetical retrospective of changes in culture due to sex robots.
When Gays Wanted to Liberate Children - Michael Bronski
(Read 2018-09-04)
Opens about communal raising of children. Some history, gay communities. Child rights and sexuality. Overlap and influence of gay rights with feminism.