Instead, Obama presided over more gun control laws passed in three years that ever were passed in the history of the nation (which has caused crime to rise.)

Per capita, total reported crime has fallen every single year since 1991. The previous year with a total reported crime rate better than the worst Obama year was 1969.

Per capita, violent crime has fallen every single year from 2006 to 2014, with an increase in 2015 back to 2013 levels. The previous year with fewer violent crimes than the worst Obama year was 1973.

Per capita, murder has fallen every single year from from 2006 to 2014, with an increase in 2015 back to 2010 levels. The previous year with fewer murders than the worst Obama year was 1965.

Per capita, rape hasn’t consistently declined, but you have to go back to the 70’s to find numbers better than the Obama years. The previous year with fewer rapes than the worst Obama year was 1977.

Per capita, robbery has fallen every single year from 2006 to 2014, with an increase in 2015 back to 2014 levels. The previous year with fewer robberies than the worst Obama year was 2005.

Per capita, assault hasn’t consistently declined, but you have to go back to the 70’s to find numbers better than the Obama years. The previous year with fewer assaults than the worst Obama year was 1977.


Perhaps the executive actions of Jan 2016 were responsible for the unprecedented amount of crime seen in 2015.
